Saturday, May 19, 2012

An Extraordinary Strength

   My father was the pastor of our church and mom was his right hand and steadfast supporter; she was also the head Sunday school teacher, head of the Women’s Auxiliary and Girls in Action, the Sunday school superintendent, teacher to the teachers, dad’s sounding board, and the scapegoat for many of the women who either didn’t like the way things were being run, or just wanted someone to gripe at. 
     The  church had no pianist at the time so mom took it upon herself to learn to play that instrument and began taking lessons by mail; she called them correspondence lessons. I still have no idea how that worked!! But still she plodded on week after week and six months later she could play any song in the hymnbook. Her busy week didn't even begin until she’d made time to do visitation with dad. It was remarkable that she could do all that and still be a mom to two boys and two girls and later an additional two; my little brother and myself.
     Dad was forever reading his Bible and studying and he taught us how important it was to love God and to be gentle, kind and loving. He had a true servant’s heart no matter what the situation might be. Dad had such a faith and he always said that no matter how often he might question God, he knew God wouldn't get angry with him and every question would come back with the right answer.
     While mom agreed with him 100%, her faith was a bit different, but just as strong. She trusted God and never questioned anything that happened in her life, because as she said, "God is at the helm and He doesn't make mistakes. He's never let me down before and He never will."
     Mom had a special gift for prayer and boy did she pray. There was never a day, or night that you didn’t find her praying for everyone, by name. I’m not just talking about us, her children, but everyone at church, her friends, anyone she met at the grocery store or on the street. She had a special strength that I know now was possible only because of God and she constantly reminded us that her strength was not her own.
     Even now I’m amazed at the strong woman of God she was; laughing and joking when she should have been crying and always willing to hold the hands and pray for and with those that spent their time belittling her.
     My siblings and I still joke today and say that whenever mom was needed she could be found on her knees praying; she had permanent indentations on her knees.
     I thank God for a mother whose prayer and faith helped us get through our teenage years; we couldn’t have done it without her. Although out of the six of us only three continue to serve in the church, nonetheless we all know that it was her heartfelt prayers to God and her tears for us that helped us get where we are today.
     Mom loved and trusted God and that made it possible for her to be so many things to so many people. I’m so proud to have been gifted her as a mother. She may not have been perfect, but she showed me how faith, love and prayer can give you an extraordinary strength.
     Mom you were a queen among women. We miss you so much, but one day we will see each other again. I love you.

Written for JP AT Olive Garden: Poetry:

As always, thank you for the opportunity and for bringing back such wonderful memories. Blessings!


  1. A perfect tribute to mother's love! Why is it one can relate to all the stories related to mothers??

    1. Thank you for the visit and the comment Amit! I think we can relate, because true mothers (not necessarily those that birth us) love us in a wonderful way. They love us in spite of ourselves and our actions. My mother loved us so much and although I know there were days where she wanted to strangle us, she always felt God had given her the greatest gift a woman can have...children. Be blessed.
